Chapter 2 Excercises Problem 2


Chapter 2 Excercises Problem 2

(Dataset: GSS2012. Variables: science_quiz, wordsum.) The late Carl Sagan once lamented: “We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.” Do the data support Sagan’s pessimistic assessment? How does the public’s grasp of scientific facts compare with other skills, such as word recognition and vocabulary? GSS2012 contains science_quiz, which was created from 10 questions testing respondents’ knowledge of basic scientific facts. Values on science_quiz range from 0 (the respondent did not answer any of the questions correctly) to 10 (the respondent correctly answered all 10).6 GSS2012 also contains wordsum, which measures respondents’ knowledge of the meanings of 10 words. Like science_quiz, wordsum ranged from 0 (the
respondent did not know any of the words) to 10 (the respondent knew all 10 words).

  1. Obtain frequency distributions and bar charts for science_quiz and wordsum. In Statistics, request mean, median, and mode. In Charts, request bar charts with percentages. Fill in the following table:
  2. Consider the following Sagan-esque statement: “The public knows more about words than about science.” Based on your results in part A, is this statement correct or incorrect? (circle one)
  3. Examine the frequency distributions. According to conventional academic standards, scores of 9 or 10 on a 10-point quiz would be A’s. What percentage of respondents would receive a grade of A on science_quiz? (fill in the blank) _. What percentage of respondents would receive a grade of A on wordsum? (fill in the blank) __.
  4. Now turn your attention to the bar charts. Compare the science_quiz chart with the wordsum chart and think about the variation—how respondents are dispersed across the values of each variable. Consider this statement: “Science_quiz has a greater degree of dispersion than wordsum.” Is this statement correct or
  5. Print the bar charts that you created for this exercise.

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