Chapter 1 Excercises Problem 1


Chapter 1 Excercises Problem 1

  1. (Dataset: GSS2012. Variables: income06, attend.) Earlier we spent some time using the Data View and the Variable View to describe the first respondent in the GSS2012 dataset. In this exercise you will use your familiarity with the Data Editor to find out this respondent’s income (income06) and how often this respondent attends religious services (attend).
  2. With GSS2012 open, go to the Data View. What numeric code does the first respondent have on income06? A code of (fill in the blank) _. Go to the Variable View. Just as you did earlier in this chapter, find income06 and click in the Values cell. What is this respondent’s income? (circle one)
    $25,000 to $29,999 $60,000 to $74,999 $150,000 or over
  3. Return to the Data View. What is this respondent’s code on the variable attend? A code of (fill in the blank) _. Go to the Variable View. How often
    does this respondent attend religious services? (circle one)
    Never Once a year 2–3 times a month

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